Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Black and White Assignment

      This week we had to change ONE of our best Garden Photos from a while back, into Black and White on Photoshop. However, we had to change it into black and white 3 DIFFERENT ways. This is for an Art show that is themed Black and White + 1 that is coming up.

     In this black and white version, I used the Adjustment Layer Black and White. In that, I just adjusted the amount of each colour (Reds, Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues and Magentas) involved in the photo. Some I changed to make a little bit more and some I made sure there was a little bit less. If I turn up a colour, areas of the photo that are that colour become brighter. If I turn down a colour, the opposite happens. I emphasized more of the reds than the other colours for this photo. This photo was complete.

    In this black and white version I used the Channel Mixer Adjustment Layer. This changes only the Reds, Greens and Blues in the photo. I made the blues stay at 0% meaning the blue that was involved in the original photo is just normal. No making it lighter, or darker than what it started at in Monochrome (which I had turned on). I then made the reds a higher number. I brought it to 70% because I really liked the effects and the shades that the photo developed from it. Then to balance the picture as a whole I made the greens be at 30%. This made the actual plant a little bit lighter which I like as well. That was all I did for this one.


 Finally, in my last black and white version I used the Adjustment Layer Gradient Map. This is a little window that pops up with a gray scale on it. If you click that gray scale it gives you the opportunity to create a custom one. This means you can actually save it as well and use YOUR version of the grayscale on other photos in the future. When I created my custom scale, all I did was move a little bit of the brightness notch and darkness notch towards the middle. That made the plant stand out lighter, and the background a little bit lighter too, but with some dark spots. I saved it and named it, and now I can use that again another time! 
Out of the three pieces, this one is my favourite. 

Thanks for reading! 
(And sorry if my explanations weren't perfect..It's hard when I can't just show you)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Chess Piece

      In the Visual side of CyberARTS, we have been working on a realistic chess piece. This was our 'realistic' part for the semester. Mine shows movement, Pattern, and Rhythm throughout the background.You see it through the bigger lines on the outside leading into the middle of the chess piece. Each line is intertwined with each other and creates a path through the whole piece. The intertwining also creates pattern since it happens consistently all throughout the whole thing.  My background I wanted to be more rough so that there was contrast between it and the chess piece. That is all for this piece, just short and sweet.

P.S. I am sorry if this statement does not make sense. I am sick and my mind is not working properly!