Wednesday 7 September 2016

DSLR Photograph Examples

FAST Shutter Speed

   This is an example of a photo taken with a faster shutter speed. I have figured this out because you can see the action as if it has frozen in time. In order to capture a quick action like a bubble being popped, the shutter must close extremely fast.

Image result for photo examples of slow shutter speeds

SLOW Shutter Speed

   This is an example of a slow shutter speed image. I can tell there is a slow shutter speed because it is as if the action is drawn out. The shutter is slower when it comes to shutting which means it takes in the movement and captures all of it. It seems to all be blurred. 

Image result for photo examples of shallow depth of field

SHALLOW Depth of Field

   The photo above shows Depth of Field. Because of the positioning and where the focus is, you see the back and the front but everything in between seems to be taken away. Therefore, it seems that there isn't a lot of distance. 

Image result for photo examples of wide depth of field 

WIDE Depth of Field

This is wide depth of field because you can see the foreground, background and everything in between, You can really feel the distance involved. 

That's it for my first post of Year 3!

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